“Ignoring crime is the biggest crime one can ever do. There are many people in the world who give advices on social media that one should not commit crimes, no one should support any type of crime. But most of the time when it comes to their profit or benefit, they forget all their ‘gyaan’ and do the same thing. Well, I have seen such people on roads ignoring big crimes. I think we do things freely when no one stops us from doing that. Likewise, if we don’t raise our voice against any crime, people will keep doing it. What can we do to stop crime?
Two things can stop crime for sure. One is fear and the other is shame. We have to create fear in people who commit crime because sometimes fear is good for the society. Mostly people are very conscious about their reputation, so if we nag someone from doing anything wrong or insult them publicly then people will atleast think before doing anything wrong.
We have to keep control on ourselves to not to do the same thing which we ask others to not do. Simply following the rule that treat others as you want to be treated. This rule will lead you to become a good person in life. Being vocal against any crime is necessary in this world otherwise people are very free now a days to do anything they want.