The outbreak of the novel Coronavirus in Wuhan and China's national and international reaction to this pandemic has forced the world to deal with the sinister realities of the Chinese authority.
Research indicates that if China would have taken proactive measures to contain and suppress the pandemic earlier in December 2019, the number of COVID-19 cases could have reduced by up to 95%. But what happened as completely opposite. The local authorities in China suppressed the information about the outbreak and destroyed proof of the virus in December. In the mid-January, they even denied evidence of any community transmission. China delayed notifying the WHO and the inset of the situation in Wuhan. China allowed millions of individuals from Wuhan to leave the city unscreened, who later travelled the world and spread it.
As expected China changed gears. Chinese officials now appear to be engaged in misinformation campaign. Foreign affairs spokesperson claims that the US Army was responsible for the smuggling of the virus in Wuhan. Beijing is using its industrial power and control over the medical supplies all over again just to avoid all the criticism.
China's global interests, particularly the domestic interests to preserve the legitimacy of the authority of Communist Party of China clearly shows their willingness to endanger the health of the international community to promote itself on the global platform.