My mother once said, “beta (child), be whatever you like in your life but firstly be a good human being because more than an engineer, a doctor, or an IAS officer, this world needs a good human being.” Today I might not be excellent in whatever I do but somewhere I know that I am not going to harm anybody in my life. I also know that my good intentions will help me improve myself and take me higher. These all are because of the moral education that I got from my family members. But what about those children who don’t have families? Who can’t get moral education from anywhere? Money can buy you food, clothes, houses and can fulfill your basic needs, but can money give you moral education?
Not everyone has lakhs and crores to do charity but if I have 40K and I want to do good for as much people as possible then I would invest those money in a very different way.
I would go to an old age home, will donate 40K and urge the owner to take all the members of the old-age home to an orphanage every Sunday or twice a week and let them spend the whole day with those orphan children there. This will give happiness to both, the children as well as the old parents. Both will get the feel of family and there the old parents can give those children moral education in the form of stories or however they like.
I know I can’t adopt 2crore orphan children of our country neither can force everyone to adopt children but by doing this I can surely initiate an idea to give them a “family wali feeling with some moral education.”