In a very simple words, ethics is nothing but the moral values that tell us what is right and what is wrong, not only for the individual but for the whole society and humankind. I believe nothing stays with you forever except yourself and your ethics.
Being an aspiring PR Professional, I believe ethics play a major role in PR as PR connects the organization with the media and the public and influences society’s thoughts. It is very important to keep an eye on our own work so that we don’t spread any wrong message in public. So, it is our responsibility to spread a right message in society through the organization. This seems very easy but sometimes it’s not. One needs to stand firm on their ethics and have enough confidence to defend our point strongly in front of others.
Being transparent with the public is one aspect where it proves that no one is being cheated by the other. It enhances the trust for the brand/ organization in public. The reason why we should be loyal towards our customers is that they invest not only their money but also their faith and time on us.
Good ethics will lead us to maintain our honest image. A brand with an honest image lasts for long. Ethics give you the personal satisfaction and keep motivating you in your profession, which is very important in PR. PR professionals have a strong platform where they are heard by the other corporate leaders whom public follows. So, taking this as a big opportunity we can build a transparency between the brand and their customers.
PR professionals need to tell the client clearly that they are wrong when the client tries to spread wrong message because the future is what we are creating today. We can’t wait for the crisis to be happened tomorrow when we can fill all the gaps today.